Fluidised Sand Filter


Fish Crazy
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
Wolverhampton England
I've been offered one of these on the dirt cheap.

Are they only really of any benefit to a Marine setup or can they be used in a Tropical setup.
I have a SA Cichlid tank and if this is of benefit to me then i'll have it and buy the new sand for it.

Sorry it seems a dumb question but I know absolutely nothing about them
the filter provides a huge amount of surface area per volume by keeping the snad in suspension. Its downside is that with the power off the sand compacts and the bacteria die off somewhat quickly from hypoxia.

It is a great supplement if you are likely to be overstocking, and if it will be super cheap it will make a great biological filter (just ensure you have a good mechanical filter as well to prevent gunk building up in there, usch as filter floss before the reaction chamber).
Thanks for the info

I have been given a power head and just need to replace the foam on it so that'll work as a the pre filter

Think i'm going to have it as I have a big tank to set up in the very near future and i'm sure it'll be of benefit for that as well.

cheers again

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