Flubenol 15


Fish Crazy
May 12, 2007
Reaction score
Berkshire, United Kingdom

Can someone please answer this question for me?

I have a Bamboo Shrimp and I don't obviously want any harm coming to him.

Thank you

Martin :good:
Yes, Flubenol is safe with shrimp but will kill snails.

Thank you James. It's the snails I want to get rid of :)

Garuf, I just bought him from a lfs in Porton. They are really good, a great member of the Clean Up Crew, sure he works around the clock :lol:

Martin :good:
I went from hundreds of snails to only a few simply by cutting back on feeding the fish - twice per day down to once per day. Snail populations appear governed by the amount of food available - cut this down and you will also cut down on snail numbers.
I went from hundreds of snails to only a few simply by cutting back on feeding the fish - twice per day down to once per day. Snail populations appear governed by the amount of food available - cut this down and you will also cut down on snail numbers.
You guys are right I know that really. I'm usually really good with the feeding which is why I've only just got them. The missus was getting annoyed that the plants where getting distroyed you see, literary over night.

Will this stop then if the numbers go down?


I went from hundreds of snails to only a few simply by cutting back on feeding the fish - twice per day down to once per day. Snail populations appear governed by the amount of food available - cut this down and you will also cut down on snail numbers.

That is true. However I had no fish in my tank for about 4 weeks (so no food) and still had tons of snails. I dont mind them too much though and they have left the majority of the plants alone.
The flubenol 15 did get to my ghost shrimp. I would move the shrimp to another tank if you can just to be on the safe side. I can't say that it was absolutely the med, but they were fine before I put it in. I lost some the first time, and the remainder of them with the second dose. I did the normal dose 6 times, and all I killed was the shrimp. I had to double dose 8 times to get rid of the snails! Most people get better results. I am convinced that I got a bad batch.
Good luck :good:

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