Flow Via Powerheads?


Fish Addict
Dec 21, 2007
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Hey i think im just a worry ass but how do i know whats too much flow for my corals and too little???

Keep moving my power heads but not sure ware to keep them???
id make it so they get a good blast, thats how these things feed in the wild theyre used to it. but ensure your LR gets a good blast too!
well the best way is to have a circular flow, not a whirlpool thogh. habe it at one end so it goes accross the middle to top and then hits the end and comes back middle to bottom. thats how i have mine for my plants in my FW tank. its spreads the co2 real good.
It depends on the corals. Most of my powerheads are either aimed at the glass or at the LR to get random flow. I have only kept a handful of corals but have found most of these at least dont like direct flow and do best when they are just slightly swaying.

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