Flourish Plant Fertilisers


New Member
Sep 18, 2008
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Okies, I wanted to boost my plants/java moss a bit but not kill my Cherry Shrimps in the process and posted this on the Invert Forum..


Ive purchased Flourish and Flourish Trace off of Ebay and am wondering if ive done right by dosing with both at the same time?

I asumed that they were seperate products (with different vitamins etc) for plant feeding (hence the different names) but upon reading
the list of ingredients ive realised both products seam similar.

Im hoping (holding breath) that ive not overdosed my tank now with fertilisers and put my fish/shrimp in danger?

Maybe a water change is called for?

Any help would be much appreciated
As quoted by Seachem,

Q: Under what circumstances would I use Flourish Trace if I'm already using Flourish?
A: Flourish Trace is a supplement based on the National Academy of Sciences findings that certain trace/ultra-trace minerals are necessary for development of plant life. These trace/ultra-trace minerals are rapidly consumed and depleted through chemical means, some in mere hours. Flourish is an organically based supplement. The use of Flourish Trace will give you a way to dose back these trace/ultra-trace minerals without doubling up on the organics found in Flourish. I would use them preferably on alternate days to keep a constant influx of these trace/ultra-trace minerals available to your plants.

Can't help anymore than that, sorry.
As quoted by Seachem,

Q: Under what circumstances would I use Flourish Trace if I'm already using Flourish?
A: Flourish Trace is a supplement based on the National Academy of Sciences findings that certain trace/ultra-trace minerals are necessary for development of plant life. These trace/ultra-trace minerals are rapidly consumed and depleted through chemical means, some in mere hours. Flourish is an organically based supplement. The use of Flourish Trace will give you a way to dose back these trace/ultra-trace minerals without doubling up on the organics found in Flourish. I would use them preferably on alternate days to keep a constant influx of these trace/ultra-trace minerals available to your plants.

Can't help anymore than that, sorry.

Ahh I see, many thanks for the quick reply. Will run the doses on alternate days now and will break down the weekly doses to daily measurements as further research shows daily is better than weekly ive just found out.
Sorry to disappoint you but you have wasted some money here. Flourish Trace is basically a watered down version of Flourish. Good marketing ploy as someone I know said on another forum. Seachem do great products though.

Therefore next time just buy the flourish and forget about the trace.

Neither will hurt the fish shrimp. You are thinking of Flourish Excel.

Sorry to disappoint you but you have wasted some money here. Flourish Trace is basically a watered down version of Flourish. Good marketing ploy as someone I know said on another forum. Seachem do great products though.

Therefore next time just buy the flourish and forget about the trace.

Neither will hurt the fish shrimp. You are thinking of Flourish Excel.


totallly agree, trace doesnt have nitrogen in either i dont think?
No nitrogen or phosphorus or potassium as far as I know.

The Seachem range is much like the ADA range where they 'design' their products to be used in conjunction as part of a dosing regime. There is a dosing schedule on their site if you want to see what I mean.

Another clever ploy as it means you buy 10 bottles in one go rather than one.

Check out their regime and then decide if you want the Seachem nitrogen etc. Hope you have a good cabinet. lol ;)


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