Flourish Excell To Kill Algae


Always Want More Fish?!
Sep 14, 2007
Reaction score
Essex, UK
Just want to clear a few things up. Ive heard dosing (or even over dosing?) on excell can kill off black beard algae and it looks like thats the route ill need to take, amano shrimp are doing a poor job so here goes.

What sort of dosage and frequency are we looking at? It does say in the description that you must not over dose?

Any help will be much appreciated.


Will probably use EasyCarbo as a cheaper option to liquid carbon :) Same questions apply.
ummmmm i have heard of it but i don't know the full details........ now don't quite me on this, but i think i remember something about overdosing with flourish excel killing shrimp :unsure:

it's deifnatley been discussed on this forum before though so I'd do a search and have a hunt around mate.

Some people use it to kill algae - the dose I have seen banded about is 3 times the standard dose. So In my case that is 9ml of it a day. Burning through my bottle rather quickly lol.

It doesnt seem to be affecting my shrimp

So how long have you been dosing this much and is it affecting the algae?
make sure you overdose slowly though, start by overdosing by 1x on day one, then by 2x on day 2...

1) physically remove as much as possible
2) do a large 50% w/c
3) dose excell/ easycarbo unil it has gone

You must access why you are getting hair algae though, take a look in my sig.
Cheers, got a big bottle of easycarbo on order from AE. Will do a large change and start dosing :)

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