Flourish Excel


Fish Fanatic
Aug 26, 2007
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been reading up about over dosing with flourish excel,can any one tell me how much should i use in a 36 gallon uk tank,as i'm getting fed up with my losing battle with algae,my plants grow well with my diy co2
and my java fern perls,so i guess the co2 level is acceptable,so flourish excel seems like my best bet
any help as always much appreciated
I put in some flourish not sure if it was excel but in a day I had an algae bloom not sure if it was caused by my blinds being open or the fertilizer or both.
It is written on the bottle how much to use.

Flourish or Flourish Excel in themselves will not cause algae.
honestly I use half of what they say. If your plants are alive and well then the worst that can happen is your plants are alive and well...if you want to go up on dose go up after a week or two, see the results of your measured work first, otherwise you'll never know whats what. Theres no "real" answer to any of this since we all have different gravel,fish,lighting etc etc. even the same size tank can be drastically different so everyones gotta find their own answer, I think. My planted aquarium is 60US gallons and I have lights on it 14 hours out of the day and fertalise the tank as well not to mention it gets direct sunlight as well and I dont have any algae problem, but like i said it was following what I saw work, not what some bottle said. keep in mind they wanna sell you more?? ;)
To kill algae dose at three times the dose rate on the bottle. It seems to me thats its the initial large dose like after a water change or when used the first time that kills the algae, the daily doses just (in my tanks at least) stop the algae growing, but wont kill it.

BTW excel doesn't sort the underlying problem in your tank, unless you sort that the algae will soon be back.

Ive dosed double the dose on the bottle before when ive had an algae problem.

I put the excel in when my tank is half empty during wc. Fiddle around with plants, deco for 10 mins and re.fill tank.
This works fine for me, gets rid of any algae, including stubborn staghorn. It does tend to melt a bit of vallis, cut off effected leaves. but it always looks fine within a week or so.
Best bet is to change water after fiddling with plants etc - disturbing the substrate can release ammonia into the water which is a big algae trigger. Do the water change after moving plants and you remove much of this released ammonia.
To kill algae dose at three times the dose rate on the bottle. It seems to me thats its the initial large dose like after a water change or when used the first time that kills the algae, the daily doses just (in my tanks at least) stop the algae growing, but wont kill it.

BTW excel doesn't sort the underlying problem in your tank, unless you sort that the algae will soon be back.


Thanks Sam, that will be why Excel isn't killing my algae. I'll try triple dosing. :good:

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