Flourish Excel


Apr 10, 2005
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Ontario, Canada
I've read and been told by a LFS that excel may cause some plants like Val to die off at first only to return later on.
Well, so far the killing off part is true, my Val in the tank that I've been dosing with excel has mostly died off.
How long does it take to recover?
Any personal experiences?

Thanks. :D
Thanks Zig, but correct me if I'm wrong, what does your article have to do with Val dying off while using excel?

Val as in Vallisneria, the onion like plant? :/

HAHA, I just read it again, and the reference to Val is about half way down the page in one of your updates.
I read the first article, that would be why I seen nothing about Val.

Thanks Zig, but correct me if I'm wrong, what does your article have to do with Val dying off while using excel?

Val as in Vallisneria, the onion like plant? :/

I know what Vallisneria is :D

There are several references to Vallis in the thread describing the problems i and others have had while using excel, i thought this may be of interest to you, nothing more nothing less :thumbs:

Your Val should come back, usually happens fairly fast by all accounts.
You know what?
I skimmed through the article, your article and didnt notice any references to val, sorry Zig, I worked all day and was quite tired, I'll go back and read your article as well as the others.

You know what?
I skimmed through the article, your article and didnt notice any references to val, sorry Zig, I worked all day and was quite tired, I'll go back and read your article as well as the others.


You dont have to do that, read it i mean, i wasnt aware of this problem either until my vallis started to look very sickly indeed, but i have been reading up further about it and your vallis should come back quite strong, its very common with excel apperantly.

If the vallis doesnt start sending out runners quite soon, cut back on the dosing of the excel and then build it up slowly to the recommended dosage, this will help the vallis recover, this is what Seachem recommend you do.

But its definatly a first on me................a plant fertiliser that kills plants :lol:

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