Florida - Some Suggestions Please


Feb 3, 2006
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Rainy Manchester, UK.
Hi folks - taking the kids to Florida in a few weeks (woohoo! 8) )

We've been before a coupla times before and done all the usual stuff - my disney dollar days are behind me now! Looking to have a go at snorkelling this time and wondered if you good folks might suggest one or two places to try?

My kids are pretty good swimmers, ages 7 and 10 and we'll be staying near Orlando, so preferably somewhere within striking distance, like there and back in a day would be best?

One I think we will try is Bathtub Reef at Stuart - found it and a few adjacent here;

Florida snorkeling

Much of what I've been looking at seems to be aimed at scuba - love to try that some time, but maybe not just yet. I know the discovery cove option offers a convenient, if overpriced option but I think it would be nicer to see a few marines 'au naturel' rather than effectively in a 'big tank' (some tank, mind!)

The manitee option is there too, but again I think the genuine marine fish/reef option would be best - the kids really love our reef tank and it would be great to find an option for them to meet our fishes cousins!
Being Orlando is kinda in the middle this probably is not an option, But if you have a extra day drive to the Keys! I have been diving along time and all over and the keys are some of the best snorkle/diving around. I like them even more than Hawaiis reefs! Have fun!
Being Orlando is kinda in the middle this probably is not an option, But if you have a extra day drive to the Keys! I have been diving along time and all over and the keys are some of the best snorkle/diving around. I like them even more than Hawaiis reefs! Have fun!

I did think about that but really hoped that the gulf coast, like clearwater etc might offer some nearer/easier option. Or wondered if those on the Atlantic coast would be worth the trip?
the gulf side would be your best chance in my opinion. The Atlantic side is usally merky. look up key largo=)
Orlando..hmm...I can't think of anything that is neer there for snorkling. You would have to rent a car and go south to get that. Next time when you are planning your trip go to Key West, or as mentioned above Key Largo. Both have snorkling areas, and you can rent out equipment, traveling boats.

The coral reefs by the keys are AMAZING!
hwo about Sea World
i went there and across the street they have a place where you can swim and interact with dolphins. they also have a mini coral reef and stingray pool which are great :good:
Stop by tampa bay saltwater, get some live rock, you know :)
Orlando's a tough one cause while its got all the kiddie attractions, the reefs around there aren't the best. I went snorkeling once in clearwater when I was a kid and it was OK. TBH, while the atlantic side is more prone to visibility problems, the reefs there are MUCH better than the Gulf side. Were I staying in Orlando I'd look into areas in Melbourne or Port St Lucie to snorkel if you want to go there and back in a day. But honestly, I'd go to Ft Lauderdale, the north west coast of Key Biscayne, or prefferrably Mollasses Reef off Key Largo. Key West is cool too, but the best two are Biscayne and Largo if you ask me. The one's off Biscayne are much shallower and easier to snorkel off (10-25ft) while the ones off Largo are more around 20-30ft but TEEMING with life.
I am not sure about snorkeling in mid florida. I was in Tampa Bay last summer and went swiming but don't really think that snorkeling would have been that good. Maybe see some fish if close but definently not any reef action. I think that you should rent a car and go south. Might be quite a ride though. Another thing I did was air boat rides at the Okefanoke Swamp. That was a blast. :cool:
I am not sure about snorkeling in mid florida. I was in Tampa Bay last summer and went swiming but don't really think that snorkeling would have been that good. Maybe see some fish if close but definently not any reef action. I think that you should rent a car and go south. Might be quite a ride though. Another thing I did was air boat rides at the Okefanoke Swamp. That was a blast. :cool:

Thanks all - appreciate all the help.

Have done seaworld a few time and probably will go there again this time too.

Understand entirely about the keys being the ideal but gotta play the cards I'm dealt here - family holiday first and foremost, hence Orlando but likely to slope off with my two boys if the effort is worth it. Will have a car, naturally and not averse to a bit of a trek but really wanna keep it down to there and back in a day if worth the effort.

Port St Lucie is near to Bathtub Reef I mentioned in the first post Ski - seems like there's a few other options round there too. Came accross this and wondered if you've any experience? Any others recommended here?


Will definately do the Keys on a subsequent trip, but probably tie that in with a scuba course.

Thanks for all suggestions folks.
Just know that it's there, never dove on or heard of :).

When you do take the SCUBA course and get down to the keys, do yourself a favor... Either have your own dive buddy, or if you're paired with an American, go over hand signals BEFORE you dive :blush:. I didn't do that when paired with someone from Denmark and he didnt know the same ones as me :lol:
Just know that it's there, never dove on or heard of :).

When you do take the SCUBA course and get down to the keys, do yourself a favor... Either have your own dive buddy, or if you're paired with an American, go over hand signals BEFORE you dive :blush:. I didn't do that when paired with someone from Denmark and he didnt know the same ones as me :lol:

:good: :good: :good:

(universal dive signal = meaning "...Eek...it bit my thumb, look!")

:fun: = weight belt upside down

Thanks Ski.
lol :drool: look at that yummy fish :sick: this sign is more frequently seen on the ship ride to the diving site.

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