This aggressive freshwater fish is best suited for a "Rambo" style tank. L. platyrhincus should be kept separate from other platyrhincus. It can be highly aggressive towards its own kind. L. platyrhincus prefers neutral water.
L. platyrhincus needs plenty of swimming space and is usually best left to public aquariums. However, if a 200 gallon aquarium can be provided platyrhincus can be kept at home. The Florida Gar, Lepisosteus platyrhincus, is widespread from Georgia to Florida.
Florida Gar inhabit medium-to-large lowland streams, canals and lakes with mud or sand bottoms near underwater vegetation. Like all gars, they use an air bladder to breathe air to survive in poorly oxygenated water. These fish are often seen near the water's surface swallowing air. If the Gar is unable to come to the surface, it will suffocate.
Spawning occurs in late winter and early spring. Groups of fish of both sexes congregate in shallow weedy waters where the females discharge their adhesive eggs among the submerged aquatic plants. Once they lay their eggs, they abandon them. Fortunately for the gar, their eggs are poisonous to warm-blooded animals, and they are not preyed upon. The newly hatched young possess an adhesive organ on the end of their snout and stay attached to vegetation until they are about 3/4-inch long.
Young fish feed on zooplankton, insect larvae and small fish. Adults primarily feed on fish, shrimp and crayfish.
Florida gars grow rapidly and can reach a length of 30 inches. If I remember correctly the largest ever recorded was 56 inches long and lived for 44 years in a small swedish aquarium.