Flora Base Substrate Addition!


Mar 13, 2004
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Well boys and girls here it goes,

toda i went to the LFS and bought 3 bags of FLORA BASE substrate. My plants needed a kick so i thought this was a nice treat. This was a long project , i thought it would take a shorter time but, beg to end it took about 3 hours but some of the time was waiting around for the cloudy water to subdue.

You can view the process at


I listed all the comments below the picture, sorry it's a crappy camera but you'll get the idea.

Currently it looks ALOT better then the gravel and i'm sure the fish like it.

If you got any questions about this product i'll try to answer it for you.
Just an update after about 24 hours the water is alot better , alot less cloudy but still cloudy and lots of particles floating around just like after you clean your tank and let it sit for a hour or so :)
It's nice to see it all step by step.

What a inquistive kitty you've got there ;)

What plants have you planted? I see Valis, Elodea and I think I see a small sword plant. What are the others pleasey?
Woo. More pics :D That night time one looks awesome!

Okay, from what I can see (anyone correct me if I'm wrong) you've got Elodea Densa, Elodea Canadensis (Being the darker one), Cabomba Caroliniana, (A sword (can't figure out which kind), Vallisneria Gigantea. The one at the back left corner thats the bright green colour... I don't know what it is but my BF put some in his tank and it's taken it over. It looks fabulous! Hopefully it'll start going crazy now you've put that new substrate in ;)
yea i hope it goes awesome too,
I'm getting my new 80 w light soon so ... it will pickup alot more

in real life the plants arent a BRIGHT GREEN as i hope they would be
but hopfully this substrate will make things alot brighter in there :)

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