Floating Snail!


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2005
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NSW - Sydney Australia
i have noticed that my snail was continuously at the surface of my fish tank. at some days i thought it was dead since it was hiding in its shell afloat for days now...my snail appeared 2 be still alive a few days later since it was out of its shell... but the problem is that my snail could not stick to anything..it just stays a float...im worried that it might starve... the snail is presently out of its shell, moving, but is sadly still floating...any suggestions would help to get my snail to getting back to its normal self, sticking to something...

perhaps it just has a bubble of air trapped in it's shell, try turning it around under water and see if you can get any air out.

Emma :)

Floating is a part of apple snails natural behaviour - its not uncommon. However, lengthy floating periods may be a sign that your water is not to your snails liking. I would check your ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH levels. A water change is a good idea - about 25% with dechlorinator at a similar temperature may act to freshen him up a bit!

I hope you manage to sort it out soon!

Best of luck!

Louisa :nod:

One of my Apple Snails did that the other day. I saw it floating and it was trying its hardest to attach itself to something. I put the net under it and as soon as I did some bubbles came out of its shell and it sunk to the bottom of the net. I put the net on the bottom of the tank and it crawled out and went straight after an algae wafer that I had dropped in earlier.
Heh, my apples snails go onto the air stone and float themselfves up to the top, then sink downs slowly. I think my water may be bad because they've been using their air siphons to breathe and one of them keeps loosing his grip to everything.

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