Floating plants


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2021
Reaction score
Czech republic
Hi guys, am wondering, as I never had this combination.

I have floating riccia, limnobium and duckweed in one tank. Is it too much? Should I remove one of these three, to make sure there are enough nutrients for the plants?
Strangely still have floating algae, but that is a different story I guess.
You will need to remove some of the duckweed to the compost heap in the near future...and mebbe some riccia. Of course, if you have more tanks... ;)
Just don't dump any of it where it can then contaminate natural waters.
In here duckweed is naturally occuring, so no issue in contaminating, I wouldnt do it anyway though, so completely agreed.

I initially wanted to take out the riccia and make it more compact, it was very separate and individual leaves, but in few weeks it got very compact on its own. I was maybe thinking about removing the frogbit, as the frogs (ironically) do not appreciate the roots at all. Am afraid the duckweed will kill the riccia or the other way around contaminating it, can that happen?
Am afraid the duckweed will kill the riccia or the other way around contaminating it, can that happen?
It might...I've never had the two competing, but I suspect the duckweed will be the stronger competitor. The beauty of the frogbit is that it offers solid shade, which has its pros and cons.
I would move the Riccia out so it doesn't get mixed up with the duckweed when that takes off.

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