I have a 210g tank waiting to be set up. Even though I don't have the money now, I've been pricing stuff. The best I've seen, is a filter that does 175 gallons (so you'd need 2), and it's about $100 ...right off memory, I don't know what the brand name was, or the exact price. It was at Petsmart, so maybe their website has it.
But yeah, $150 will barely get you enough lighting, let alone filtering and all the other equipment you'll need for a healthy tank.
A'course, I'm wanting mine to be saltwater, so I'm gonna need to spend about $2,000 ...gonna be a while, before I get mine going!
Also, depending on if you want a low-tech tank for plants, or a high-tech, there's lots of different advice to give. Low tech would just be "tank with water and bright light", where high tech would include GOOD lights (the ones with all the fancy "1000k" or whatever it's called, on the lable), to a CO2 injector, and fertilizers, etc.
I can barely keep hornwort alive, in my low-tech tank, so I'm not the best person to ask *g*