

New Member
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
I have a 10g tank that has been running for about 3 years. A couple of weeks ago i restocked it with some fish. These include 2 platys (both male), 2 sparkiling gourami and an oto. I've noticed that both the platys flick themselves off the leaves of my anubias. I've also noticed that the larger platy (calico platy) has started to spit out his food.

When i saw them flicking i checked for the little white spots which indicate ich, however i couldnt see any. Then i read about flukes and i thought maybe they had them. But im not sure how to tell or what to look for. I will try and get a picture of them.

Tanks stats are as follows.

ammonia - 0
nitrite - 0
nitrate - 10
ph - around 7.3
Temp - 25c

Water changes done weekly, treated before added to tank.

These are the best photos i could get. They tend to be a bit camera shy.



I don't know if you will be able to tell if anything is wrong from the photos.
The platys are 1 sunset and 1 calico.

mine do it too occassionaly...Just like humans they get itchy...do they do it all the time?..Apparently,according to what i've read is that the parasite that causes ich is always in the aquarium..its just when the coditions in the tank become bad that the fish show signs of it in the form of white spots like salt..
This is the bit im confused with. I have no idea what there gills should look like. They look pretty normal i think. :blink:. I'll try and get some photos of there gills. Well i managed to get some photos of the calico platy. I had to catch him in a net to get them though.



These are the best i could. Didnt want to stress the little guy out too much. His gills have always been the pinkish/redish colour though. Even in the shop.
Gill fluke signs are red inflamed gills, or pale with excess mucas on them, also a fish can get internal flukes, eye flukes, and body flukes.

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