flicking and rubbing


New Member
Dec 9, 2003
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petersfield hants
hi to all you, i have just come accross this forum and its got lots of good advice,
i set up my first tank 4 months ago, its 40 gallons, and in it, i have mollies, guppies,male fighter, 2 parrot cichlids, 2 angel and dwarf gourami.and pleco
my problems is that for the last week ive noticed that the mollies were flicking and rubbing themselves against the bottom and darting about, looking up the syptoms i thought it was ich, but with no visible spots, but i treated them for this incase. but now the cichlids are hiding alot and starting to rub as well as hanging at an odd angle, i have tested the water and done a 20 % water change and on the testing kit everything seems normal, what should i do????
many thanks :*)
i thought it was ich, but with no visible spots, but i treated them for this incase. but now the cichlids are hiding alot and starting to rub as well as hanging at an odd angle,

Why do you put medicines into your tank, if you're not sure about disease?? You should know that EVERY medicine are somehow harmful to fishes.

testing kit everything seems normal, what should i do????

I don't know what is normal, and sure, it cannot be normal because you have fishes which live in different water. Do you add any chemicals when changing water? Could you tell us those "numbers" you got when you tested everything?

You should try to answer these question first: http://fish.orbust.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=2330

When fishes start to rub themselves against something, then there is something wrong; water values are bad, they suffer parasites or something else.
why i added white spot treatment- i was advised to by the local fish shop.
by normal-
no3 = 0
gh = 10 od
kh = 3 od
ph = 6.8
every water change is treated with a tap water conditioner (fresh start) by interpet.
as to your "when fish start to rub themselves against something,then there is something wrong;"-
hence why im asking for help......
ps water changes done every 2 weeks
i was advised to by the local fish shop.

A lesson well learnt - always get a second opinion, most lfs employes don't know a fish from a frog :)

These are possibilities:

1. external parasites - would have been introduced with fish or plants from the fish store
2. unstable conditions - fluctuating values will have an effect on the fish - do your values always test the same

Have you added anything, or done anything different in the last week or two that you can think of?
sorry to hijak this thread but i noticed the other day that one of my swordtails was doing that... then he stopped.... got me realy worried......

hes now stopped tho so im not so worried.... if that sounds bad then im sorry but hes showing no other sighns of anythin... looks normal is now acting normal...

Yeah my fish are doing the same thing....for a while now :( I personally cant figure it out :/ There are no visible signs of parasites or any other disease.I treated with coppersafe and pepso food and it didnt make a difference.If you figure something out,Id love any info!!!
i know its very puzzling, ive noticed this morning that my cichlid has black spots on his tail and one of the mollies (white) has 4 black spots on her, is this connected?? :crazy:
If there's no visible signs of ich(white dots), its most likely your water or another disease(sigh) . My fish were "flashing" and I found out it was my nitrITE problem. I quickly did 15% water changes for over 2 WEEKS, increased my temp a little, dropped my water level by 2 inches to increase aeration and put in cultured gravel from another persons tank to get beneficial bacteria. I haven't seen one flash in awhile now(and my guppy had babies just yesterday :D )
(note: I treated my problem this way cus i knew what I was treating. Don't start throwing in medicines,etc if you dont know your problem)
Hope your problems are quickly fixed!

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