Flesh Eating Disease On Catfish?

Miss Dib Dabs

Jun 19, 2005
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Behind the shadows
Can anyone advise me about this disease? I've never come across it before and am having trouble finding info out about it.
Started on one of my larger syno eupterus cats in my 125g african tank. It's a mature tank with all readings normal (Ammo - 0, Ni - 0, Na - 20). Filtration is also on the heavy side. I recently rearranged the tank and thought one of the synos had injured herself in the change and treated with melafix for a number of days. She got progressively worse and looked very ill by the weekend so I removed her to a hospital tank and started treating with Myxazin. Unfortunately I had to go away for 2 nights after just 2 days treatment and expected to come home to her dead. Instead her cloudy eye has cleared but the flesh eating bacteria seems just as bad if not worse. She is active in every other way but am concerned as some of my other cats are showing signs of the beginning of the disease. (Started on the head, looked like a severe head wound/cut which did bleed). The seperated syno has the worst signs around the anal area. Please advise me urgently on treatment. I've kept fish for years and had all my synos for almost as long. Don't want to lose them. :-(
Take the fish to a trusted store for an inspection and diagnosis, perhaps? Its awful when you are unsure of the disease, as you have no idea how cointagous it is to your other fish, not to mention it could wipe out the whole tank if the meds and other treatment like a temperature change are wrong...
Is it anything like any of these??



Very similar. Although her original wound is now healed. She seems to be perking up a little and have just started a half dose treatment for the main tank (clown loaches present) after a clean. Also cleaned her tank today and dosed up the med removed in the clean.
Edit: Ought to add it isn't anywhere near as extensive as on that fish and she can swim normally.
Ok, well the syno is doing quite well. It doesn't look the same as those pics anymore but like the flesh underneath has been exposed when the skin is scraped away. But, she is getting better! The original wounds are healing up quite quickly, except the wound around the anal area. If I medicate beyond the suggested day, will it cause damage? I'd rather keep treating until all wounds are healed, not risk it coming back. The main tank has the last dose tomorrow and the only one showing minor symptoms seems to be healing except the malawis keep picking the wound and she won't let me catch her! :sick: :X
Well a little update. Her wounds are doing really well now. Still the two worst are taking some time and I have continued to treat with water changes of 50% every other day. I think she'll be in the hospital for another week yet to get those wounds to close.
Am treating the main tank at half dose every other day now to help the syno in there heal since she won't let me near her. At last look she was doing ok but would prefer her the safety of the hospital tank so the malawi's don't try to pick. Oh well. Everyone else is looking healthy and the clown loaches are coping fine, considering the amount of meds. Not acting any different to normal and all are eating as norm too. Will stop altogether this weekend and do a decent water change at the same time. Never fun on a large tank. :rolleyes: I won't add carbon just yet tho. Wish I knew the actual cause of this. Never seen anything like it and to take down healthy well fed large fish so easily is concerning to say the least.

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