

Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2004
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We have two cats. They both have fleas and we can't control them. We've tried flea collars, flea powder, expensive flea sprays etc. They always come back after a week or so and now we have them in the carpets and rugs and the couch. We're afraid to use the "bombs" because of the fish tanks. They seem to be really bad this year, probably because we had a mild winter.

Any other suggestions? :crazy:

Do your cats go outdoors? If so you seven garden dust in your yard to kill them.

Frontline always works for me. I get the stuff for my dogs (over 55lbs kind) and leave a tad bit in the bottom and give it to the cats....

Have you ever heard of a product called Advantage? It works really well...I use it on my two cats.

HTH :)
yep I agree with both of them. We have 2 cats as well and a few weeks ago had them bringing fleas in, I had to give them flea baths..much to there dismay and mine( :crazy: ) and then use frontline down there backs as well as a flea collar. works great. and goodluck with them in your house, youll most likely have to bomb if its as bad as you say.
If they aint too bad frontline will take care of your problem..I had them in my house also and I put fronline on all my cats and I never saw a flea after a week.
Advantage works great. Put it on them, vacuum the house really well, bye bye fleas. Don't forget to reapply it when needed.

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