I bought a kirin parrot in september of 2020. He died in February of 2021. This was one of my favorite fish. One day I noticed he did not eat. I thought it was a little odd since he always acts like he is starving. The fish looked visually fine. The next day he wouldnt eat and something looked odd about him I noticed he didnt move his mouth. It looked like his jaw was locked open. I figured he locked lips with another fish or banged into the glass. I figured I'd give it another day To hopefully work it's way back. The next day he had duck lips with a white color in the crease. So I went to take him out to put him in a hospital tank. When I took him out it must have jarred something loose because his top lip busted open with puss going everywhere. I read up on disease /bacteria. What I found was close to columnaris. I used aquarium salt and dropped the temp to 72 f in the hospital tank. I went to the lfs to get kanamycin, furan2 and metro. The sad thing was they were sold out at all the local fish stores. I went to 4. One store said they would have stock in 4 days. . The fish died 3 days later. No other fish in the tank were affected. I also did a 50 percent water change when I saw the puss. My water parameters were all good. I also read this type of fish was susceptible to this, especially imports..