Flat Worms


Oct 6, 2008
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Cornwall, UK
I'm sure I read somewhere that I dont want these, is that right? I've just seen one poke out of a rock :( How do I get rid of it?
well it was flat lol. It slithered out of a hole flat against the rock, then back in again before I could grab my camera! It was a browny colour with white spotty markings, there was about an inch of it that came out!

kinda like this
Have a look here: http://www.wildsingapore.com/wildfacts/worm/polycladidafi.htm

Maybe you can find exact one that you have, they not all bad you know :), mainly its the tiny ones which are around 2-4mm long and are reddish (poisonous when they die) or the brown ones which are not so bad. Most are even good for your tank as some like polychaete worms, are for the most part generalist scavengers that graze opportunistically on a wide variety of things ranging from diatoms, to detritus, coral mucus, recently dead critters and even some live prey such as sponges and tunicates.

Hope you got the good one, if its the one in the pic its a beauty you got there and as far as i can tell its a hawaiian spotted and they can be found for sale in LFS.

Hmm, Ive had a look through that website and google images. The picture above is the closest I can find! All my rock is indonesian, is it even possible to have hawaiian creatures in it?
Hmm, Ive had a look through that website and google images. The picture above is the closest I can find! All my rock is indonesian, is it even possible to have hawaiian creatures in it?

Well, yes! Its probably been a very long time since it was in Indonesia, bit like me really and has been mixed with other rock, in different systems!!

Seffie x

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