Flat Bullhead


Fish Crazy
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
Missouri, USA
Hi all! I have a 4" long flat bullhead catfish that I cought myself. I am really wanting to keep him. I have tried doing searches on them on the internet with no luck. I find all kinds of info about them in the wild, but nothing about taking proper care of them in an aquarium. I would be most greatful for any/all infor you are willing to share. Also, if you know of any good websites, I'd love to look at them. TIA!!!
Click the link, googled it. flat bullhead I assume since they reach about 8". It's care would be similar to other 8" cats. Make sure to QT it for a while. Probably prefers sand substrate and try algea wafers, or maybe even a meaty diet. Who knows? Looks like they spawn at 21-24 degrees celsius. Good luck.
thank you so much! That's an excellent link. He is LOVING the sinking carnivore wafers I bought him. I am also feeding blanched lettuce.
I caught one when he was about 2 inches big and he grew to be about 8 inches. He was so aggressive we had to let him go! He picked on all of the other fish, and the 6 inch pond turtle we had in the tank! He even ate other bullheads that were smaller than him! He ate 2 of them! And they were 3 inches long!!
I agree with that! Bullheads are voracious and will eat just about anything that will fit their mouth. Be very careful of what you put in with it, it may not be there in the morning.

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