Flash Pleco


May 20, 2006
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are flash pleco ok with:

small tetras to large angel fish?

I seen they stay quite small?
IME yes.

Didn't do well with other plecos, I had to sell it on, was the most aggresive pleco I have owner but Tetras and Angels will be fine.

Shame, it was a beautiful fish
Should be ok with Angels and Tetras.

Most Plecs get territorial with other bottom dwellers, particularly if there aren't enough hiding places for them.
Yes L204s are fine with other fish. Mine ignores his tank mates. They are quite a shy fish so dont expect him to be out all the time.
Yes L204s are fine with other fish. Mine ignores his tank mates. They are quite a shy fish so dont expect him to be out all the time.

oh i have found my flash is always out and they may squable with other plecs but generally fine with all other fish.

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