Flash Peco


Fish Fanatic
Jul 23, 2007
Reaction score
Oxford, UK
I've had my little flash pleco for coming up to a year now. Lots of bogwood for him, but apart from that, I never see him feeding off anything else.

He's quite a charmer & comes out to play at about 8 o'clock at night. His tankmates are various killis, which don't hassle him at all, but surely he can't live on bogwood only ?

I never see him appear for any 'feeding times'. He seems to be really healthy though, would he feed later when all the lights are off ?
Most catfish are nocturnal so he is probably sleeping during the day and venturing out after dark. If there is algae on the glass and plants he willgraze on that and any food that has sunk to the bottom. If there's not much algae in the tank then it's a good idea to put a bottom feeding pellet or algae wafer into the tank when the lights go out so he have something to eat other than wood.
Panaques are wood eaters. While people do generally give them a varied diet, all the science I've read so far does indeed lean towards them being perfectly capable of surviving on wood alone and in fact it would be no bad thing if they did only have access to wood. As tests in the wild show, Panaques past the size of a couple of inches only have wood in their gut.
If he's survived a year in your tank then he is more than likely doing fine and you have no need to worry.
what darkstar said first off :good:

what else has he been offered? the only other thing i saw mine eating was courgette (zuchini if ya that way inclined) but it sure as hell ate wood, i could here it rasping on it in the night, ridiculously loud.

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