



My betta, Arnie, never flares!!! Even when i put him with new fish he doesnt!! In fact, i dont think ive ever actually seen him do it...

I spent about half an hour tonight holding a mirror infront of him to see if he'll flare and he just ignored it...

Is this normal?! should i be worried because he's not flaring?

He's very aggressive towards other fish. When he was in my 10 gal he chased the others and attacked my guppies and a gourami i had, but he never flared...

Is there something wrong with him?! :(

ok, just noticed there's another thread about this! :rolleyes: lol

But if anyone thinks its something ive done thats making him depressed or something, please tell me!lol

Some bettas are just like that. i have a couple who are very docile and I have never seen them flare at all. I wouldn't worry unless he used to flare all the time and now he doesn't. As long as he's acting normal, I'd say it's fine :)
I've never seen him flare in the 4-5 months ive had him so i guess he just doesn't do it! :) Thanks

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