Flaring Female


Fish Crazy
Jan 23, 2006
Reaction score
QC, Philippines
So it's my first attempt at breeding bettas. I bought a pair of short tails a couple of weeks back and last night I put the female (in a glass chimney) in the male's tank. They seemed okay. The male flares a lot when swimming around the female. He even made a huge bubble nest sans the styro cup. Earlier this morning the female was missing. Found her hiding under a plant. So I scooped her out and put her back into her chimney. Male swims around her again and flares. To my surprise the female flares back. With larger gills. Haha. She's female in every aspect (ovi, fat, dull colour, finnage, etc.) except for the flaring thing. I know females flare, too, but with gills larger than the male's?

Sorry, I won't be able to post photos. But I'd love to know what you guys think.
If she's female in every other aspect I wouldn't worry about it :)

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