Flame Tetras

Dana C

Fish Crazy
Nov 7, 2005
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I have a 20 litre tank set up which is fully planted and wanted to put in some ember tetras but got abit confused in the shop and bought 5 flame tetras instead.
They are very small at the moment so I have left them in the small tank with 5 pygmy cories.

I just need to know if they will be ok in there or should I move them to my 180 litre tank which has mainly tetras in?

I have read about them and nothing says they are nippy at all but I know keeping fish in the wrong size tank can make them aggresive.

Thanks in advance for any comments or info on these fish
personally I'd say 20ltr is too small for them.
if it were I, i'd move them to the larger tank.

and BTW they can be very fin nippy even in larger tanks
Thanks for your reply,

I will wait untill they get a little bigger then move them, when you say they can be very nippy would they be a problem with neons, glowlights, rummynose, dwarf rainbowfish, harlequins, cories and amano shrimp?
yes, and the bigger the fish the more appetising are their fins
I will have a 10 gallon spare soon, would I be better to take out the pygmy cories and leave the flame tetras on there own in the 20 litre and move them to the 10 gallon when that is free?

And why do so many websites say they are peaceful when there not?

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