Flame Tetras


New Member
Jul 11, 2005
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At my local Petsmart they carry several varietys of Flame tetras. I'm fond of the Von Rio Diamond Flame and the Yellow Flame. Are these fish color variations of the same species? And will they school together? I would like to get three of each.
Acturally most of the tetra will tend to stick together. My neon/cardinal have always been stick together. And I think flaming tetra will do the same as long they r different species.
as it stands there is only one "flame tetra" Hyphessobrycon flammeus
"tetra von rio", or the "von rio tetra" is another common name for them.
there is a Hyphessobrycon flammeus diamant but it
is debated as to wether that is a sub-species, a seperate species or whatever.

I belive that "yellow flames" and "orange flames" are dyed fish (although I could be wrong :dunno: ) and should not be purchased.
I don't think they are a painted or dyed fish. Their colors look pretty natural but I'm a novice so I may be wrong. What is the coloring pattern of the Hyphessobrycon flammeus. The ones labeled in the store as Diamond Von Rio Flame are half yellow and half orange with some light brown horizontal stripping. There are also label orange flame and yellow flame varieties that have similar color intesity (not neon or weird in pattern). And a third that is call a Von Rio Flame that is a little different shape than the diamond and lacks the stripes.

I have seen 'mixed fruit' tetras that are a dyed glass tetra in a different LFS and these aren' t the same. Am I accurate in my assumption that most dyed fish have very bright 'unnatural' colors and are usually not a uniform intensity of color across the entire body (ie the top of the fish has more color than the bottom)?

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