Fish Fanatic
After I showed pictures here of Flame about 10 days ago, I was warned that because of his chewed tail he might develop fin rot. Well this morning I noticed a piece of dorsal fin splitting off, and this afternoon it is much worse. So I am off to get some Betta Fix. He is in a 10 gallon by himself, the ammonia and nitrites are zero. I put in a few new plants yesterday. I do 40% water changes twice a week, so I believe the tank is very clean. He gets Hikari betta pellets about 6 a day with one day of fasting.
1. Could he just be developing fin rot now after 10 days? Or could it be something I have done/not done? ie the new plants?
2. Can I treat him in the 10 gallon? I have a 5 gallon that is supposed to be my hospital/quarantine tank, but I don't have a heater or filter yet for it.
3. Is the bacteria in the tank? If I need to switch him to a smaller tank for treatment, can I simply switch him with one of the bettas in a 2.5 gal (My gut feeling says don't do this).
1. Could he just be developing fin rot now after 10 days? Or could it be something I have done/not done? ie the new plants?
2. Can I treat him in the 10 gallon? I have a 5 gallon that is supposed to be my hospital/quarantine tank, but I don't have a heater or filter yet for it.
3. Is the bacteria in the tank? If I need to switch him to a smaller tank for treatment, can I simply switch him with one of the bettas in a 2.5 gal (My gut feeling says don't do this).