Flame Angel


Fish Addict
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
North Wales
I really want a flame angel but I know they are not considered reef safe...

Does anyone know which corals they will pick on?? Do they like certain types or will they eat any of them??

I don't think I can put it in my FOWLR tank as I my Dwarf fuzzy Lionfish would eat it??

Hmmmm.......am not sure on this one as I everything I have read or have been told seems to disagree :S
Most cases of coral nipping I've read about in flame angels has been with open brain corals and branching SPS (espeially hairy ones). That does not mean they will or won't pick on these species, that's just the trend.

Also, flame angels will not be eaten by dwarf fuzzy lionfish if they are near adulthood
Mine never picks of my corals its more my other dwarf angel. Great fish, most dwarfs are more regarded as a small chance that can pick of corals but most times ive never seen it happen.
thats great thanks guys.

Am off to egypt tonight but when I get back next month we'll get ourselves a flame angel :drool:

I don't have my Lionfish yet but I have the tank ready for it so it's good to know that if I have to I can put them in together :)
As with most dwarf angels its hit and miss with whether you'll get one that picks at coral or not. Luckily the flame angel is one that generally doesn't nip as much as the other specimens :)

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