Flake Food

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Fish Crazy
Sep 9, 2003
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Singapore, Asia
i see many brands on food here in singapore but some sound quite pirated... i was thinking of getting "Tetra" brand foods. Saw stuff like "TetraMin" and "TetraBits". am keeping 3 dwarf neon rainbowfish and possibly some neon tetras. any suggestions for suitable "Tetra" brand foods?
when they are babys use tetra mini then when they grow a bit use tetra prima that wat i use works fine the tetra prima brings out there colours quite well
TetraMin is Tetras basic tropical flake food. I've used it for years, good stuff.

There are a number of people around the world boycotting Tetra products right now because of a really rather poor demo of fishkeeping they officially gave on US TV. Your choice should you wish to follow suit. (Search the board for details).
TetraMin is my flake food of choice; it's a good product and I've never had fish refuse it. I also have TetraBits colour enhancing granules and some of my larger fish absolutely LOVE it. My silver dollars, opaline gouramis, and one pair of angelfish, specifically. Although I didn't like the demonstration they gave on tv about nano reefs, I won't deny my fish the food they like best.
;) Well yesterday at the lfs I was again off to buy some flake food and frozen and live...anyway I came across a room full of flake food (This lfs is like 10 rooms its huge :D ) and I saw this brand tetra... Anyway it was the most expensive one there...I checked the ingredients and others and I decided to get a different brand...but next time I'll consider this one ;)
wow i just bought a small bottle of "TetraMin Pro" and the moment i put it in, the fish went straight for it... kinda worth the little more compared to other brands. its even a little pricier than TetraMin but it's nice little even discs
I use tetramin pro, but I also feed them some frozen bloodworms. I dont feed em live, because I am afraid of disease
I found that most of the expensive brands of fish food either have the exact same ingredients as cheaper brands or sometimes have hormones in them that alter the color of the fish. These hormones are sometimes advertised on the label as food that will brighten the colors but I noticed (in my fish at least) that the food changed the color of the fish. I go for a varied diet of flakes, live food and algae pellets (which I got for the bottom feeders but all the fish eat them).

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