Flagtail Prochilodus


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
Reaction score
Livestock: Flagtail Prochilodus
Quantity for sale: 1
Reason for Sale: divorce - need cash and to reduce fish
Delivery or Collection: collection only
Sales price: £15
Postage & Packaging:
Location: Upton, Wirral
Photograph: add later theres some on my posts

hes a baut and I;ll be really sad to see him go, I;ve had him a year plus, he feeds well and shoals with silver doallrs thinking he is one!! lol

07717 336 332
Sorry to hear about divorce mate, how big is it, just lost my flagtail.
I haven;t measured him but I;d guess about 6 inches, they;re quite deep fish as you know
I'll probably have the reedfish of you as well mate if you can keep hold till next weekend, my pbass should be gone by then.
I'll probably have the reedfish of you as well mate if you can keep hold till next weekend, my pbass should be gone by then.

they;re only advertised onhere s just give us a shout next week? I drive if you don;t so I could bring em to you for a cup of tea

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