Flagtail Prochilodus - Just Got One


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
Reaction score
I'd been after one of these for a while and got one from Pier today which I visited for the first time - what an ace place.

He's lovely, only about 4 inches long but he was the most colourful

Have I got it right that these are best kept on their own as I would buy another if that was plausible

I feed lots of catfish pellets, frozen bloodworm, frozen brine and courgette to tank. Will I need to add any thing else to specifically cater for my new fella
here he is. pics aren't too hot I'm afraid. he is so cute. I love him just hope he does well in there and grows



Love this species. I have a picture of mine in the photo section.

Anyway, what you're feeding is good, but I would add more greens to the diet, as they are mainly herbivores. Mine eats bloodworms, hikari cichlid pellets, earthworms (strange to watch, mind you), shrimp, spinach, zucchini, and lots of algae. :lol: I am going to try different greens over time, just to see what they like.

I would never put two together. I've heard too many horror stories of them killing each other off, which is such a shame, since they are great fish.

Mine is actually the most personable fish in the tank. He always comes over to me when I enter the room and he always goes to the top when I open the hood.

Enjoy the fish. They are the best algae eaters for the larger pred aquarium. :)
cheers :good:

funny enough I got some new bogwood yesterday off someone that has loadsof algae on and I've noticed him munching that already !!

I can't wait till he fattens up a bit and gets settled he is ace cos most of my other fish are skulkers!
cheers :good:

funny enough I got some new bogwood yesterday off someone that has loadsof algae on and I've noticed him munching that already !!

I can't wait till he fattens up a bit and gets settled he is ace cos most of my other fish are skulkers!
It won't take long for him to fatten up after mowing the algae lawn. :rolleyes:
Thanks for sharing the pics! I remember when mine was that small.
invaderwithkey is right on about food and personality, make sure he gets lots of vegetable/algae in his diet.
Post some more pics in a couple of months as he grows.
Thanks for sharing the pics! I remember when mine was that small.
invaderwithkey is right on about food and personality, make sure he gets lots of vegetable/algae in his diet.
Post some more pics in a couple of months as he grows.

will do, he's becoing my favourite fish in the tank but does appear quite shy and retiring which concerns me.

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