those rainbows look like they might be perfect. i was hopeing for something alond the lines of some colorful midswimmers that were too big to be eaten... and were peaceful (*ahem* bad cichlids! bad! no chasing the other fish)

.... to add to the life of the aquarium when the sennys didnt feel like coming out to play. im also not looking to fill it with a lot fish. i want to avoid a large multispeices tank in order to avoid special feeding habits to ensure that some slower or less aggressive fish gets fed and doesnt starve. i also dont want a heavy bioload, midrange is ok and possibly expected but id like to keep it on the lighter side. when i first got ino this hobby i went out and got aquatic creatures just cause they looked cool, only to find out that they are far to messy to be worth having just for their looks, in my opinion

. like apple snails and red claw crabs. those things creat such a heavy bioload i didnt think it was literally possible for something that small to give me that much trouble, making me clean all the time.
i do plan to replace the gravel, i want white sand in it. actually i want black sand but the only black sand i can find doesnt really look like sand when you look at it up close. it is 2 to 3 time larger per grain than the white sand i get which makes me wonder about how it will behave in the aquarium. i want that fine grain.... different landscape every week.... looks like the ocean floor kinda feel. im afraid the grain will be to large to have that nature to it. so white sand it is. also, i plan on painting the tank, hood, and stand black, so it might be a bit much to put black sand in it. plus white sand surround by black fixtures would really be a nice centerpeice, it would focus the veiwers attention on the tank and not whats around the tank.
ok, ill try and get pics up when it starts to come together. wish me good luck, and thanks again for all the help. its not like i can get this kind of help from a fish store employee who's only agenda is to sell me something

ill be sure to ask more questions if i have any.