fixing tanks/


New Member
Apr 24, 2004
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as you can see, i have one neatly set-up tropical tank, and one horribly mismatched tank. there's a story behind it!

see, the Platties and Kuhliis were once in the 10g and four Bettas inhabited various things around my room, with the Black Moor in a bowl in my brother's room. then we moved the Platties/Kuhliis into the 50g, and the Moor into my 10g. he was joined by two Fantails, and the Bettas slowly died off (-sniff-) save for my first and oldest and pertiest boy whom i LOVE TO DEATH. he got a few Shrimp friends; one commited suicide, and two died ><" today, the Betta got moved into the Goldie tank because i don't want to RISK him dying of fungus/fin rot/anything.

now, i am at a loss. i want to make that tank another community for Flashy, but the Goldfish are kinda... there. i love the bugs, but i haven't got anywhere else for 'em. so i was thinking about making a pond. now, i can't make a proper pond yet, but i've heard of people inflating kiddie pools, half-burying them and using them as a sort of pond. only since the filters posed a danger of the dread Pool-Pop it needed weekly maintenance.

does that sound okay? or should i consider moving my Goldies into severla huge (i'm talking 15g) tubs i have and keeping it as a sort of miniature indoor pond? i have a filter i can fit onto the tubs, actually, so it would be better then returning them to a petstore where they will surely be ignored (no one likes the big Goldies, even if Speckle is kinda small) or the kiddie pool-pond.

ahhh, i need help ><" sorry for the length!

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