Fixing long lasting fry food.


Fish Fanatic
Jul 26, 2003
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I’m breeding livebearers for a project, so I’m going to have a lot more fry over the next couple months. I was thinking it would probably be a good idea to have a lot of food made up for them. So I have an old canister that once held tropical flakes and I wanted to fix a big batch of fry food in there and keep it for the next couple months (or however long it lasts). I figured it’d be a lot easier than continually crushing small amounts of flakes into using zip lock bags.

Well, anyways, besides tropical flakes, what else would everyone suggest I mix in there?

PS, Thanks a lot to everyone that’s been helping me the last couple months, it’s been awesome.
Fry will probably eat anything it can fit in its tiny mouth. Powdered flakes would be all. Some newly hatched brine shrimp would also be nice.
I have heard sea monkeys are great for fry...however there not too nutritious there like 90% water :D. However if you like you could try feed your fry boiled egg yolk....NOTE follow my instructions incredibly carefully if you choose this. This is a highly protein diet and can pollute your tank if not eaten...So what I reccomend is firstly boiling an egg....*whistle whistle whilstle* great timer went cool the egg. Peel it and cut in half. Now get about one - one/half grains worth of rice (In yolk) YES THATS ALL put the yolk on a spoon and add some water squash it around a bit and then add to the tank...feed them this aobut once a day.
I get a good staple flake food and grind it small in a ziplock - then I add about 25% by volume of freeze dried brine shrimp . The freeze dry shrimp should just crunch down into powder. Then the same amount of freeze dried tubiflex worms again crushed down into powder. ( this is a bit more difficult )
Then look at the total amount you have and add half again of flora type ( vegie only ) flake - again crushed to powder.

I feed this to my guppy fry inbetween live BBS feedings and it is protein rich but still contains a good variety of other nutrients for health. They absolutly adore this mix.

I do not mix up too much at once though , only a weeks worth at a time. (Although when you think about it there is nothing that can go stale - its all dried food -just being fussy I guess)

good luck with your project


:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:

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