Fixing A 55 Gallon T-Bar? And Other Random Diy Questions


Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2012
Reaction score
Huntington Beach, CA
I found information on how to replace the entire top rim and T-peice (center bar) but it seems it is pretty common for them to break, and someone else posted a video where someone bends a metal bar to support the middle....the video doesn't give any details though. I assume, I can just take most of the water out (as I did tonight) and measure the gap between the two and ask Home Depot or Lowes to bend it for me? Any other suggestions? I'm looking for easy and economical. Also, I have a homemade stand that I got used and want to spray paint it to look nicer....any suggestions on the easiest way to do this? The tank is full, is it safe to use spray paint near a fish tank?

I found information on how to replace the entire top rim and T-peice (center bar) but it seems it is pretty common for them to break, and someone else posted a video where someone bends a metal bar to support the middle....the video doesn't give any details though. I assume, I can just take most of the water out (as I did tonight) and measure the gap between the two and ask Home Depot or Lowes to bend it for me? Any other suggestions? I'm looking for easy and economical. Also, I have a homemade stand that I got used and want to spray paint it to look nicer....any suggestions on the easiest way to do this? The tank is full, is it safe to use spray paint near a fish tank?


Hi, I have a 55gallon (UK) Juwel tank; spoke with Juwel as the centre bar, or brace, was missing on the beaten-up tank I bought on ebay - the guy said that the centre brace is not structural and not essential for the integrity of the tank...the single moulded top rim IS structural and would need to be structurally sound. Juwel do supply a plastic brace that slots onto the inner bottom edge of the top plastic rim, and not that I did not trust the Juwel geezer but he doesn't have to try to sleep at night worrying about a 55 gallon carpet-clean in the morning so I eventually bought it!! Cost around £20 over here and works a treat, didn't even need to superglue it as it snaps into place.

If you aren't a Juwel owner then hopefully your tank may have a similar fitting? This way to my mind the 'pulling' pressure is applied over a wider area of top rim of glass than it would be with a bent metal bar applying a 'pushing' pressure only where it contacts the glass...I also have a threaded bar which can lie across the top if you don't have a lid to your tank, with washers and nuts either side tightened to the width you want (direct 'pushing pressure again however)...anyway I envisioned this 'popping' off, again during the night, with the associated carpet wash in the morning! I even tried siliconing a section of glass across the gap, siliconed to two smaller ledges previously siliconed on...darn thing popped off after a week!!! Wish I'd just bought the £20 bit of plastic in the first place!!

Those are the thought processes I went through anyway - I'm not a structural engineer or anything but I feel happier with the 'pulling' action of the brace!

'Worry'? Anyway, hope that helps, or gives you ideas if not!

Good luck :good:
So you think the brace is a bad idea? Where do you suggest I start with finding a "pulling" method?

I think a brace is a good idea if it means a good nights sleep...I am only saying that Juwel say a brace is not essential for their tanks...I would not know about any other. And the 'pulling' method that the brace uses is more favourable, but again thats just my opinion; I'm sure there are other methods out there working perfectly well!

Is your tank a Juwel? If so, braces are available - just google 'juwel brace bar'...its designed for the job so has to be good for it?

If your tank is not a Juwel and you know the manufacturer, perhaps contact them, or just google same...

If you don't know the manufacturer then you are probably on a DIY trip...good luck with that!
Most US tanks are not Juwel brand tanks. I honestly don't think I have ever seen a Juwel tank before. In the US your standard all-glass/aqueon tank the center brace IS important. Without it the tank will bow out significantly. You can fit a metal bar over it, but the measurements need to be pretty precise(something shops are poor at). I have also seen adjustable DIY clamps that fit over the tank and have heard success reported with those. For my old 55 gallon we had the simple metal bar that was bent on each end. It held for years without an issue before we eventually replaced the tank.
Thanks guys, I have no idea what brand it is. it is used. I measured the size mostly empty, and full and the measurements were VERY close, so I don't think it's bowing much. I will still try the bar and hope that helps. The lady that had it before me said this bar has been broken for awhile and she had it running without it as well, I just want some piece of mind.

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