Five-Banded Barbs And Various Tetras


Life, Liberty & Pursuit of the perfect fish tank
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Apr 4, 2011
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HI all,

I am new to this section of the forum, but I need advice specific to these types of fish. As indicated in my sig, I am cycling a 56 gallon tank.

I will be adding some harlequin rasboras first (either 10 or 15... I've read that odd numbers looks better, so maybe I'll go with 11 or 15). I will also be adding some dwarf corys (corydoras habrosus) similar numbers, probably in the 15 range. As far as other fish goes, I am still in the research phase... I fell in love with the look of tiger barbs, but I realize that they are too aggressive for my community. Then I heard about five-banded barbs. I can't find out enough about their behavior to know if they will be good swimmers in the middle of the tank, or if they hang out in the bottom areas, or hide a lot, etc.

And then, I am looking for a good backup to go with this community. I like the look of the following fish: black phantom tetra, bloodfin tetra, cherry barbs, neon tetra, black skirt tetra, and most colorful fish. I am looking for nice shoaling varieties, which is why I came to this forum. If I could find another fish that fits my community and also swims in the upper levels of the tank, that would be my preference - colors are important.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or other help! :thanks:
I could only point you to Penguin Tetras and perhaps Rummynose. They are quite small and look good alongside the Harlequins offering a more silver colour to the copper of the harlequins. Worth a peek as both are mid to upper dwelling fish.

Oh, i could mention some bleeding heart tetras too, i liked them, but only had 5 and they were really shy, i think 15+ would be quite a nice picture though.
I like the look of the black neon tetras or the serpae tetras.

Serpae tetra would be no better than tiger barbs as far as nippiness from what I understand. I love the look of both serpae and tigers, but I don't think they are a good match with the rest of my stocking - harlequins and dwarf cories. If they were I would have a much easier time stocking my tank! I am looking for non-nippy fish. I will look more closely at the black neons and penguin tetra.

Thanks for the replies fellas. :good: I still have a few months before I need to worry about getting this other school, so plenty of time to research still.

Anyone out there have experience with the five banded barbs?
HI all,

I am new to this section of the forum, but I need advice specific to these types of fish. As indicated in my sig, I am cycling a 56 gallon tank.

I will be adding some harlequin rasboras first (either 10 or 15... I've read that odd numbers looks better, so maybe I'll go with 11 or 15). I will also be adding some dwarf corys (corydoras habrosus) similar numbers, probably in the 15 range. As far as other fish goes, I am still in the research phase... I fell in love with the look of tiger barbs, but I realize that they are too aggressive for my community. Then I heard about five-banded barbs. I can't find out enough about their behavior to know if they will be good swimmers in the middle of the tank, or if they hang out in the bottom areas, or hide a lot, etc.

And then, I am looking for a good backup to go with this community. I like the look of the following fish: black phantom tetra, bloodfin tetra, cherry barbs, neon tetra, black skirt tetra, and most colorful fish. I am looking for nice shoaling varieties, which is why I came to this forum. If I could find another fish that fits my community and also swims in the upper levels of the tank, that would be my preference - colors are important.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or other help! :thanks:

I would opt out of the neons and get cardinals instead, much more colourful and IMO easier to keep than the neons. A group of 10 would look fantastic! Rummynose are one of my favourites too, very lively and swim all over the tank.
I would opt out of the neons and get cardinals instead, much more colourful and IMO easier to keep than the neons. A group of 10 would look fantastic! Rummynose are one of my favourites too, very lively and swim all over the tank.

Unfortunately, I can't find a single source for cardinals near me. :sad: I could get some from an online source, but I would prefer to get them locally. They were on my original list, but I just can't seem to find them.

Thanks though... that's the type of thinking that I am looking for! :good:
Are bleeding hearts active?
No one has any experience with five-banded barbs here?! Wow. I would have thought someone had some... :unsure:

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