Fitting Lighting


Fish Gatherer
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
North East UK
I have 2 tanks currently that both have insuficient lighting.

The first is a Juwel with lighting that came with the tank, however the light has broken and i have since discovered that the connection that connects the starting thing to the bulb is broken, so when you turn the switch the light does not come on. I have replaced bulb and starting thing but the connector is definatley broke.
Im sorry if this makes no sense whatsoever but i dont know the technical names for all of this :lol: To buy a replacement hood it will cost me £50, which i dont have to hand at the moment!
The second tank is a 10 gallon which only has one small bulb, like a lightbulb not a long bulb which is also insuficient to support plants. It is a hex.

Just wondering if anyone has also had this sort of problem, what did you do?

Would it be the cheapest and easiest option to install a whole new light system, how would i go about this?!

and with regards to the small tank... is there anyway i can fit another bulb to increase brightness?

Thanks alot,
You can buy a whole new converter set for about £20 and just pop it in after taking the old one out. If you know an electrician then they should be able to sort you out with new filaments/contacts for the bulb housing as I suspect these have burnt out from heat over time.

For the small tank get a clip on led light or a cheap florescent 11W light

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