Fitting A Hydor Eth-300 External Heater


Fish Crazy
Apr 21, 2009
Reaction score
South East London
I've just got my new aquarium up and running and am about to start cycling it, but before I do that I want to install my Hydor external heater, which means I'm going to have to cut the outlet pipe coming from my Eheim 2080 Pro 3. Obviously I'll switch the filter off first to kill the pump, but is there any other way I can minimise the amount/pressure of water that will try to escape. It would be a right pain to try and mop up any spillage that gets behind or under my cabinet!

Sorry, if there's a really obvious answer, but this is my first canistor filter and I've got no experience of working with the pipework, other than when it was all empty when I first installed it.
Not sure on the ehiem, but i use my tetratec EX1200 for example, where the pipes goin into the connectors on the filter, turn off the and disconect that and place over a bucket then turn the taps on and it will drain the water from it, then once all fitted, prime the filtre again :good:

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