Fisty fins


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jul 8, 2002
Reaction score
Essex - Westcliff
I've just caught my 2 male sailfin mollies in the middle of a fight :( Normally they get on ok - but since one of the females died of old age (nearly 4) the 2 males have been at loggerheads :( This time it seems as if one of them has been badly hurt - he's "tail standing" in the corner of the tank and hardly moving - should I take him out and "euthanise" him :( (how - I've never done that before) or wait a day or so and see if he recovers. :what: :(
tail standing or hiding in the corner is not necessarily a sign of near death. It is the fish's way of trying to escape in the confines of a closed eco-system. If possible place it in another tank or put a divder in so the other mollie can't get at it.
The only other tanks are the cichlid tank or a small tank with a betta and zebra danios. :( I don't think that my other half will agree if I get another one.
get more females....liveberers need to have more females than males other wise they fight and one ends up dead. Rose

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