Fishy Dreams


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2011
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Hello everyone!

Last night I dreamt that I had nitrite in my tank. Of course, now I'm paranoid and I can't wait to get home from work tonight to check my water. I also dreamt I had to remove all my plants except the amazon swords (which is weird because of all my plants, only my Vallis is doing worse than the swords).

It's just made me wonder if anyone else has ever had any fishy dreams that they'd like to share.
I have fishy dreams all the time. Mostly about them breeding. I used to have recurring dreams that all these absurdly bright coloured fish just appeared in my tank and I concluded that my comets had spawned without me noticing. Of course the florescent fish didn't seem odd at all at the time. Recently I've been having recurring dreams that my cherry shrimp were breeding. In reality, I've been struggling to get them to breed and would always come downstairs hoping that it was a "sign" but to no avail. However, last night I had a dream that cherry shrimp were quite the delicacy so I ate a mouthful of them (gross, I know. From what I remember, they didn't taste all that good either). This morning, I come downstairs and lo and behold, I have my first pregnant shrimp =/
When I was very little (before I even had a tank) My mum and dad had a marine tank, and I used to dream that there was a horrible monster living inbetween the coral :blink: In my dream the tank was very dark and spooky, and this monster-thing was a big black blob, and I only ever saw it's evil eyes staring at me :crazy: But in reality, the tank was bright, colourful and lively... :S
i had a dream about Jaws once.
I dreamt that the tank broke and that all the fish died and there was water everywhere!!!! :crazy:

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