Fishwater danger to humans?


New Member
Feb 10, 2004
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I have a 55 gallon tank, coral and gravel substrate and 80% malawi lake cichlids. I need to do a huge tank change because my fish will be breeding soon, i think. (Jewel is turning red, i have two). But, i have been, negligent to my tank. Im not even sure when my last water change was, ive just added pure water (treated and what not) and let the tank do its work basically on its own. Feeding and such, still, just not getting in there and hardcore cleaning. But before I make this attempt, i need to know if there is any danger posed to me if i stick my hand in the tank to vacuum the substrate and move around the rocks for caves and such. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated, as im in need of a big apology to these fish. :sad:
BY the way, in addition the water has remained perfectly clear (except for minute particles i see, probably tiny air bubbles). But the fish sometimes grind themselves on the substrate, not sure if this is moving stuff, stress or a parasite. They eat well, dont seem to be having any lesions or appear unhealthy at all. So again, any help would be useful. Thanks in advance.
:D I stick my hands in the water in my tanks all the time and haven't had any problems.....but if you have open cuts or wounds it would pay to wear long gloves or wait till the wounds heal. I do wash my hands and arms when I have finished and make sure not to rub my face and especially my eyes when I still have the fishy water on my skin.

The other thing is to make sure your hands are clean before you put your hands in the tank......if you have chemicals, soap, handcream, perfume etc on you can do serious damage/kill your fish

If you haven't done any water changes in a very long time you might want to do a smaller one first (say 10%) and then another in a couple of days and so on - that way you won't alter the chemical balance of your tank too drastically and shock your fish

good luck with the w/ fish seem to love having fresh water put into the tank.....and are so used to me mucking round in there they more or less ignore me now.
Yes make sure your hands are washed with clean water and no soaps etc. I would be more worried about what I introduce in to my tank than what my tank can give me. Also if your keeping your tank clean regulary there should be no problem from the fish water but still make sure you wash your hands after and before. No on likes to smell of fish :D

One more thing though, heh. If my jewel cichlids are breeding, will they seriously try to take a chunk out of my finger when i try to clean / move stuff? I heard they pack a bite on 'em.

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