Fishless Cylce nearly done

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Jo and Gra

Fish Crazy
Jun 20, 2005
Reaction score
The UK...Essex!!!
My ammonia is heading back down to 0, nitrites are through the roof, and nitrates are big, so once the nitrites go down, and both amm and nitrites are at zero....

what do i do next to enable fish to be stocked??

i want to make sure that i dont put fish in too early, or do it wrong.....

and what/how many fish?
Once your nitrites zero out(more than just once like 2-3 days in a row) then do a large water change to lower your nitrate levels.

Once you've done that and your temp is stable. Check the water a final time and add your fish. You'll be able to stock the tank pretty well since you should have a pretty decent biological filter built up
Carry on adding ammonia till the day before you get your fish to feed the bacteria. Monitor to make sure the cycle has finished. On the day you get your fish do a large water change (to remove nitrAtes) and a general tidy up. Then add you fish following the normal guidelines. Remember that you can fully stock your tank immediately. Make sure you have all the food and equipment you need, that you know exactly what fish you want (impulse buying is a no-no) and that they will suit each other and your tank size.
How many fish flakes, and the temperature? What kind of fish flakes, how often, etc? I really want to know and try it.

How many fish flakes, and the temperature? What kind of fish flakes, how often, etc? I really want to know and try it.


Sorry for the double post
just a pinch every day.......water has been at room temperature......around 22-23 with the filter running.....

nutrafin fish flakes......nothing special

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