Fishless Cycling


New Member
Sep 8, 2008
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I have been fishless cycling for 6 weeks. I added enough ammonia to get it up to 5 ppm. And it still wont go down. Its at about three right now so I have given up on it. I was wondering now that I want to switch to fish-in cycling. How does it work exactly? WHat fish are recommended for it?
I have been fishless cycling for 6 weeks. I added enough ammonia to get it up to 5 ppm. And it still wont go down. Its at about three right now so I have given up on it. I was wondering now that I want to switch to fish-in cycling. How does it work exactly? WHat fish are recommended for it?

It's never good to do the fish in cycle. Even if you get hearty fish that make it through the process they usually never live to full life span. What's the ph in the tank you're fishless cycling? If the ph drops to low then it'll stall the cycling process. A good ph is between 7-8. Also please post all of your water stats like the ph, nitrite, etc...

You still have the fishless cycly going right? Or did you dump all the water out?
please don't add any fish to an uncycled tank, it will be very stressful for them as any trace of ammonia can kill them.
what temperature is the tank sitting at? and what ammonia are you using?
Hi, I know fishless cycling can seem a pain, my little tank took 8 weeks.

If your ammonia has not dropped at all in 6 weeks (a full 6 weeks, I know some people's 6 week is really just 3 :hey: ) then the may well be a problem.

Ok, so the ph has been mentioned so have you checked that?

Your ammonia source? It is PURE ammonia right? Doesn't froth up when shaken etc.

Have to ask, water dechlorinator was use....right?

Bump up the temperature to 80-85*

Any chance of getting your hands on some matured media (old gunky filter sponge from someone's filter that is in current use)

It maybe a good idea to let us know the details of your tank and filter type/model as with all posts.

Finally, try to stick with the fishless cycle as getting fish and watching them die is the source of many second-hand tanks for sale on Ebay!

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