Fishless cycling two tanks


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
They have both been fishless cycling for about a week now and here are the results:

10 gallon
ni-off the charts

I don't know whether to add ammonia or let it go. I haven't added ammonia in a few days because I got this nitrite and nitrate spike a few days ago.

120 gallon

My nitrite hasn't spiked and 4 is the highest it has been today. Today was also my first sign of nitrates. Does it still need to spike, or just come down? Should I keep adding ammonia or what?

I am VERY confused! Should I do a water change in the 10 gallon? :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:
I've read that there's no need to do water changes with fishless cycling. If you do that you'll reduce the nutrients and thus reduce the bacterial population, which you're trying to grow. Looks like you must have some of both bacteria because it's being converted to nitrite and nitrate... don't think your nitrates could be that high from whatever is in your tapwater. I'd say add just a little ammonia to the ten gallon and see what happens to the parameters tomorrow? I don't think it can hurt. It looks like it's working to me. But someone more experienced can probably give better advice.
laboul said:
I've read that there's no need to do water changes with fishless cycling. If you do that you'll reduce the nutrients and thus reduce the bacterial population, which you're trying to grow. Looks like you must have some of both bacteria because it's being converted to nitrite and nitrate... don't think your nitrates could be that high from whatever is in your tapwater. I'd say add just a little ammonia to the ten gallon and see what happens to the parameters tomorrow? I don't think it can hurt. It looks like it's working to me. But someone more experienced can probably give better advice.
Okie dokie thanks for the advice, I appreciate it. I will hold off with the water change until I am ready to put fish in it like the day before. I just don't know why there is so much nitrite and nitrate in the 10 gallon. I don't know if that is a cause of me adding too much ammonia. I only added one capful of ammonia for 2 days and that was it and it just spiked a couple days ago and ever since I haven't been adding ammonia.
Hmmm, try testing your tap water after dechlorinating it. You know, last night I just bought a new test kit and totally freaked out because the ammonia in my tank was reading 1!!! Then I tested my tap water and it was the same, too! My fish are pretty happy so I don't think that there is actually a high ammonia level in my tank. At least I hope not.

Maybe you can test your tap for nitrite and nitrate just to check. I think sometimes these kits react with other things, too.

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