Fishless Cycling Trouble! Any Advice Appreciated1

wahhhhh! my pH crashed from 7.8 this morning to 6.4 this evening!
nitrAtes at 160ppm so maybe a conversion to nitric acid caused the crash!
done a 60% water change to try to recover the pH and hopefully the FBs are still alive!
Retest in ½hr!!
Watch this space!
Did a 60% W/C last night at midnight! ½hr later pH was still only 6.8 and nitrAtes @ 80ppm, but didn't have energy to do another W/C before bed so I've just done 85% W/C this morning and about to check pH which is 7.0 so at least it's neutral tho was hoping it would be over 7 tbh.
Will be checking nitrAtes later - wish I'd done the W/C when the nitrAtes first showed 160 but the pH was ok at that time. Didn't realise how quickly it could all change!
Just hoping I don't have to start from scratch now! Will add ammonia now and do tests later this evening
I've got a feeling this is whats happened to my tank, I let the nitrates get too high. Didn't have to worry about them when I cycled my 180L tank, strange. Hope it gets sorted for you.
Just tested water and finally the ammonia has started to drop, it's down to approx 0.5ppm a definite shade lighter than last night so hopefully things will start to go in the right direction. The nitrite is reading slightly above 0ppm.
Will wait and see (as I ain't got any other choice)! 
me too!
Think we posted at same time! lol
Good luck with yours! It's quite trying at times! lol
Checked my ammonia again this eve and still no change looking like 0.50-1.0ppm this eve so maybe I was a bit optimistic this morning! Will give another few days and if nothing happening may ditch the media in there and put a "fresh" batch of mature media in from my 180L filter.
Not really sure how much I can take from the external 180L filter, I'm sure I read I could take/replace upto a third, anyone confirm this?
Sorry have no experience of switching media from filter - good luck with that!
Believe it or not, my tank seems to have recovered from its spectacular pH crash last night <crosses fingers, spits and turns round in a circle!>
12 hrs after adding ammonia to 2ppm following 85% w/c:
pH tonight is back to 7.8
ammonia 0!!!!! yay
nitrItes  0-0.25 (but much closer to 0 than 0.25!)
nitrAtes 40-80
Am so relieved! I know it's too early to crow, but I can't help it! lol
Hope yours settles down soon!
Good news then.
I think I'll buy some new sponges for my larger external filter tomorrow and then take some more mature sponge to fill my little internal one. I have 3 baskets in the external so there's plenty to spare I think.
Welshweeks said:
Checked my ammonia again this eve and still no change looking like 0.50-1.0ppm this eve so maybe I was a bit optimistic this morning! Will give another few days and if nothing happening may ditch the media in there and put a "fresh" batch of mature media in from my 180L filter.
Not really sure how much I can take from the external 180L filter, I'm sure I read I could take/replace upto a third, anyone confirm this?
Yes, you should be able to safely take up to a third. Replace with new media so the colony can start rebuilding.
Well, I just removed the majority of the media that was in the filter and replaced it with mostly ceramics from my 180L external filter so it's all mature stuff (around 1 year old), picture below. Hopefully this will kick start the cycle BIG TIME (I hope)!!!!!
I thought it best to put some sponge top/bottom to help catch any particles. 

I'll just keep a careful eye on the nitrates this time! A smaller tank is harder to maintain than a larger tank (water chemistry wise)!
Almost 48hrs since adding the "new" mature ceramics and guess what....................
Still no change at all!
Ammonia - 2.0ppm
Nitrites - 0ppm
Nitrates 20-40ppm (same as tap water)
PH - 7.6ppm
Temp - 30 Deg C (I raised it slightly from 29 last night)
Still the same this morning 

I'm getting to the point where I'm thinking of doing a full water change and then adding 20 RCS and monitoring the water as I would think the bio-load would be tiny from the shrimp.
Desperation starting to kick in!! 

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