Fishless Cycling Trouble! Any Advice Appreciated1

I'll be doing my 12 hr test in an hour - got my fingers and everything else crossed that the A-bacs have improved - if not, at least I know the N-bacs are ok - (for now). Watch this space!
Ok so the ammonia is now up to 0.5ppm and the nitrItes have gone up to 0.25ppm which I kind of expected having removed the mature gravel.
My dilemma now is do I add another dose of AquaSafe in the morning when I redose with ammonia? Decision-time!
Welshweeks said:
Just bunged some api quick start in the tank in desperation! I have another internal filter in my 180ltr tank but it's full of ceramics and no sponge. Maybe put that in and add some fine filter wool to it and put the filter out of the 40ltr into the 180ltr, a swap????

Don't get desperate, patience will help you solve your problems, you did a good thing though by doing a fishless cycle, many people don't do that. However, I have found that those "quick start" products and other similar things tend to be a waste of money more than they help.
cpwebsite said:
Just bunged some api quick start in the tank in desperation! I have another internal filter in my 180ltr tank but it's full of ceramics and no sponge. Maybe put that in and add some fine filter wool to it and put the filter out of the 40ltr into the 180ltr, a swap????
Don't get desperate, patience will help you solve your problems, you did a good thing though by doing a fishless cycle, many people don't do that. However, I have found that those "quick start" products and other similar things tend to be a waste of money more than they help.
Your probable correct about the quick start I'm just desperate! lol Ammonia still not reducing at all since dosing up to 2.0ppm a couple of days ago. Going to see what's happening in the morning and if not reducing I might swap the filters over.
Welshweeks said:
Aqua safe is a water dechlorinator, why are you adding this (unless your adding fresh water)?
It says in the blurb on the bottle that it's got "bioextracts to support the development of beneficial bacteria for clear water" I might be barking up the wrong fish-tank, but I thought I'd give it a try. Haven't done any more water changes since the one that seemed to kick-start the N-bacs into action.
Well the ammonia and nitrItes cleared in 21 hrs so that's a slight improvement and considering that I'd removed the mature gravel yesterday morning was better than I'd expected. Have dosed again with Kleenoff and Aquasafe this morning just in case and will check the levels again tonight. As you say - it can't do any harm!
Just swapped filters over (180L to 40L and vice versa) as ammonia not clearing for 3 days (stuck on 2.0ppm) hope the filter out of my 180L will do the job, if not then I'm at a loss. Just can't figure out why the process has just stopped! If this doesn't work the the 40L is going down the tip as it must be possessed or something!!!
Hey Welshweeks!
How are you getting on?
I had a similar problem years ago, was so frustrating, then 1 day it just sorted itself, literally overnight.
I am about to start a new tank after a years off.  Hope I don't have the same issue this time around
Good Luck
Hi Aaron,
Still no luck. I did a virtually 100% water change yesterday and dosed up ammonia to approx 1.0ppm. Today I added a fist-full of gravel from my 180L tank (put it in a bit of stocking) and will wait and see. It's a right pain in the backside! The filter is 100% full of mature sponge/ceramic from my 180L setup so I don't know what the hell has happened! 
Ammonia still showing 1.0ppm (maybe a shade darker) and it's now 33hrs on from the initial dosing (2nd time round so to speak)!
I had none of this trouble when I cycled my 180L about a year ago, that went to plan and only took 33 days from start to fish with only a little mature media from a mate.
It's like torture, as the tank is right next to my computer desk (where unfortunately I spend way too much time!). It looks lovely imo and I'm gutted I can't put any shrimp in there yet! lol

No I'm pretty certain it's not as I've tried it out on my main tank and the readings there seem fine.
I'm just in the process of trying something different Welshweeks - if it works for me I'll let you know.
I feel your pain. Lets see what this water change does over the next day or so

I think my issues stemmed mostly from pH crashes
aaronc said:
dodgy test kit?
I've just done another test on my main tank to double check the test kit is ok and it is!! lol

Mamashack said:
I'm just in the process of trying something different Welshweeks - if it works for me I'll let you know.
Ok thanks Mama

I'm toying with the idea of ditching the media out of the 40L filter and getting another lot from my 180L filter?

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