Hey, What a Nightmare I'm having, I'm day 6 into my fishless cycle of a new tank. I am still waiting for the nitrite to spike but my plants have all dying. To my horror my PH is around 8.50! from advise from my LFS i was told the sand and rocks I am using are fine and shouldn't cause that sort of PH.
he also said to leave the plants there as it wont do no harm. I have been advised to do a 50% change too. Will this affect my cycle. My nitrite is rising and I'm sure its gona spike soon. My ammonia readings are about 3.00 and my nitrate is 10. but why the high PH. My tap water is slightly hard (around7.5) so why is my tank water, which has been in there for a week, so bad?
What should I do, do I do a change of water, leave it? remove plants? help!
he also said to leave the plants there as it wont do no harm. I have been advised to do a 50% change too. Will this affect my cycle. My nitrite is rising and I'm sure its gona spike soon. My ammonia readings are about 3.00 and my nitrate is 10. but why the high PH. My tap water is slightly hard (around7.5) so why is my tank water, which has been in there for a week, so bad?
What should I do, do I do a change of water, leave it? remove plants? help!