Fishless Cycle!


Fish Gatherer
Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Richmond, Virginia
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Hey everyone started my Fishless Cycle on April 15th @ 8:30 pm.

Actually, added ammonia night b4, but took my first water tests on date and time mentioned above!

On 17th I added some Bio Spira!

My Ammonia was @ 4.0 on the 18th!

Today (19th) just did my daily tests and to my delite, traces of nitrites and nitrates!

My nitrites are at 0.25 and my nitrates are at 5.0. Ammonia still at 4.0

I am a newbie so please any comments on these results! So I guess it just a matter of time!

Just some other info, I have tank temp at 86F. :D :D

Please let me know what you guys and gals think!
That sounds consistent with the presence of a substantial (if new) colony of bacteria in the presence of lots of ammonia. Wait for the nitrites to spike, cut back to 1/2 the added ammonia, and wait for your colony to completely establish. Good luck!

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