Fishless Cycle Readings


New Member
Jun 5, 2012
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filled my tank yesterday for the first time,used dechlorinator,right today i added ammonia and then tested the water about an hour later,my ammonia reading is about 6 judging by the colour and my nitrite is 0...i thought my nitrite was supposed to be high???or am i missing something?
i also had some ceramic balls outta my mates filter and i had about 25 litres of water out of his tank into mine.also my water has been cloudy since i filled it,white cloud it is.
my question is,isnt my nitrite level supposed to be real high?


filled my tank yesterday for the first time,used dechlorinator,right today i added ammonia and then tested the water about an hour later,my ammonia reading is about 6 judging by the colour and my nitrite is 0...i thought my nitrite was supposed to be high???or am i missing something?
i also had some ceramic balls outta my mates filter and i had about 25 litres of water out of his tank into mine.also my water has been cloudy since i filled it,white cloud it is.
my question is,isnt my nitrite level supposed to be real high?


Considering your tanks only been up one day bacteria would not of had a chance to grow so will not be converting ammonia to nitrite, so if you test your tank in 24 hours and the ammonia is still 6 and still no nitrite then there still isint any bacteria converting it so you will have to give it a chance to grow and to my knowledge bacteria double every 8 hours. so just test again in 24 hours and see what you got.
ye thats what i thought,its just i thought my nitrite was supposed to be high to thats all matey :).just me being a some of my mates media to,to hopefully speed it up a bit :)...

cheers for the reply to :good:


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