Fishless Cycle problem....

Jimmy Twotimes

Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Herts, UK

Started my first ever fishless cycle on 18 Oct. Added ammonia for first 3 days, ammonia off the chart. After about 5 or so days, with ammonia still off the chart, started doing some water changes for 2/3 days to try and bring ammonia down. Ammonia still off the chart and nitrites showing at around 0.3.

I havent added anymore ammonia since those first 3 days.

Last night water tests still showed high ammonia and 0.3 Nitrite. The plants I put in have almost all died. :sad:

If I have overdosed on the ammonia in those first 3 days, can this still be salvaged? I'm happy to leave things for a few more days/weeks if it'll mean the ammonia will come down and nitrite spike. I'm not sure whether to remove the dead/dying plants - will this disturb what few bacteria I alread have in there??

Any advice appreciated.


35 Gallon Tank
Some Dead Plants
Some Dying Plants

Sounds exactly the sequence of events I had when I first tried it.

If you've got too much ammonia don't worry about doing water changes - the bacteria live in the gravel mainly, and filter, so a water change isn't going to be here-nor-there, provided you don't take out all of the ammonia. So do a couple of 50% water changes to get your ammonia down to no more than 5ppm, or if you're passed the ammonia phase of the cycle, nitrite no lower than 5ppm. Nitrates shouldn't get higher than 25ppm as higher levels can inhibit plant growth.

Do remove all the dead and dying plants - they won't help at all. They die of ammonia levels get too high (for future reference). Make sure they haven't blocked your filter and get an air-stone in there to make sure you have good oxygen levels in the water for your plants.
Phew :rolleyes: !!

Thanks AA, I'll do some water changes and take out all the plants (15 quid down the drain!!). More patience is needed I spose................


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